Bob McGown reaches 60 years in the Mark Degree
I know he doesn't look old enough, but Bob McGown has reached 60 years as a Mark Man!
Keith Beardmore celebrates with Bob McGown
ProvGM, WM Brian Ogden and Bob McGown
Giles Berkley congratulates Bob on 60 years!
Special Rep John Forster with his great friend Bob
His celebration was marked by a Team Visit to Fylde Mark Lodge, on Burn's Night, with the Provincial Team in strong attendance.  What could be more perfect?  After the Lodge was opened by the WM Brian Ogden (for the first time since he was Installed!)  the Provincial Grand Master, Keith Beardmore took the Chair and welcomed his Provincial Team, to his own Lodge - a rare and special moment for him, and then he placed Bob McGown in the Chair, much to Bob's surprise!
Bob McGown and Tony Farrar
The famous Fylde Mark Banner
The ProvGM congratulates Bob on 60 years a Mark Man
John Forster, Keith Beardmore and Brian Ogden
Keith took up his position next to the SW and delivered a wonderful summary of the 60 years which Bob has spent serving, enjoying, and enhancing the Mark Degree.  Our Provincial Secretary john Bicknell read out the certificates marking 60 years from both Grand Lodge and West Lancashire, and the Lodge closed with an air of expectation for a great Festive Board.
About to enter a wonderful Festive Board
Harry Cox, Brian Ogden and John Powell
Senior Overseer Craig Scott, with Tony Thackrah & Dave Brooks
The celebrant Robert Young McGown himself gave the address to the Haggis after it was piped in, being carried aloft - and then he stabbed it!  I would like to admit here, I did not quite catch every word of the address, so I can't put a translation here!  But it was magnificently delivered by Bob, to rapturous applause. 
Prov.GJW Vic Norris with Prov. Tyler Ernie Gavan
Harry Cox, WM, John Powell & hard-working Sec Ricky Clarke
ProvDC Dave Emmerson & Prov.Sec John Bicknell
Following a magnificent meal (and whisky, wine, port and beer - supplied generously by Bob!)  the toast to the ProvGM and his response, were suitably brief, and then the main event - the Toast to Bob given by John Forster, and the response from Bob.  John regaled us with information about Burns night traditions, and Burns himself, before moving on to Bob, and entertaining us superbly. 
Paul Snape with his Allied Degree colleagues
The Haggis arrives
Bob receives his Haggis - then stabbed it! 
Bob McGown then responded in wonderful style.  He thanked all those present, especially John Forster for his very kind words, and the ProvGM for bringing the whole Provincial Team for this special night.  He also mentioned some of his friends who are no longer with us, but Bob ended by inviting us all to his 70th in 2027.  A standing ovation followed, and we had all had a fantastic night, sharing the celebration of 60 years as a Mark Man of W Bro Robert Young McGown PGSD. 
Words and pictures by Giles